The Tech Savvy Genealogists’ Meme

15 September 2011

Another Geniaus challenge – interestingly it captures all of the issues I have been looking at over the last few months ie new phone, tablet, netbook, scanner etc – parts of me want to be tech savvy but other parts of me want to go back to my Grade one slate and pencil!! Read on to see my answers.

The list should be annotated in the following manner:

Things you have already done or found: bold face type
Things you would like to do or find: italicize (colour optional)
Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type

Feel free to add extra comments in brackets after each item

Which of these apply to you?

1 Own an Android or Windows tablet or an iPad (still trying to make a decision)
2 Use a tablet or iPad for genealogy related purposes (see 1)
3 Have used Skype to for genealogy purposes
4 Have used a camera to capture images in a library/archives/ancestor’s home
5 Use a genealogy software program on your computer to manage your family tree
6 Have a Twitter account
7 Tweet daily (just passed 11,000 tweets so I must love it)
8 Have a genealogy blog
9 Have more then one genealogy blog
10 Have lectured/presented to a genealogy group on a technology topic
11 Currently an active member of Genealogy Wise (should visit more often)
12 Have a Facebook Account
13 Have connected with genealogists via Facebook (amazed at number of distant relatives who have contacted me this way)
14 Maintain a genealogy related Facebook Page (not a real Facebook fan)
15 Maintain a blog or website for a genealogy society
16 Have submitted text corrections online to Ancestry, Trove or a similar site
17 Have registered a domain name
18 Post regularly to Google+
19 Have a blog listed on Geneabloggers
20 Have transcribed/indexed records for FamilySearch or a similar project
21 Own a Flip-Pal or hand-held scanner (another must make a decision/do)
22 Can code a webpage in .html
23 Own a smartphone (another must make a decision/do)
24 Have a personal subscription to one or more paid genealogy databases (couldn’t live without instant access)
25 Use a digital voice recorder to record genealogy lectures (with speaker’s permission of course)
26 Have contributed to a genealogy blog carnival
27 Use Chrome as a Browser (except Scotland’s People & some other sites don’t like it, use Firefox then)
28 Have participated in a genealogy webinar (listened)
29 Have taken a DNA test for genealogy purposes
30 Have a personal genealogy website (have a combined business/personal website and should put more family info up)
31 Have found mention of an ancestor in an online newspaper archive
32 Have tweeted during a genealogy lecture
33 Have scanned your hardcopy genealogy files (not all of them yet, work in progress)
34 Use an RSS Reader to follow genealogy news and blogs
35 Have uploaded a gedcom file to a site like Geni, MyHeritage or Ancestry
36 Own a netbook (in anticipation, picking it up this weekend, first of many new toys)
37 Use a computer/tablet/smartphone to take genealogy lecture notes (still a pen/paper girl but I’m trying to change)
38 Have a profile on LinkedIn that mentions your genealogy habit
39 Have developed a genealogy software program, app or widget
40 Have listened to a genealogy podcast online
41 Have downloaded genealogy podcasts for later listening
42 Backup your files to a portable hard drive
43 Have a copy of your genealogy files stored offsite (I used to when I worked, have given copies to relatives)
44 Know about Rootstech
45 Have listened to a Blogtalk radio session about genealogy
46 Use Dropbox, SugarSync or other service to save documents in the cloud
47 Schedule regular email backups
48 Have contriibuted to the Familysearch Wiki
49 Have scanned and tagged your genealogy photographs (another work in progress)
50 Have published a genealogy book in an online/digital format (drafts done, just need to say that’s it!)

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  1. Thanks, Shauna – you are the first genie to respond to my challenge (and look forward to the new book)

  2. I have an Android smartphone … HTC Sensation. It’s truly sensational. I couldn’t survive without a smartphone these days ….

  3. I too have an Android- HTC Desire- which is fine but I find typing tedious as I have big hands. I chose it at the time because I was travelling overseas and the rep told me I couldn’t change the SIM card in an Iphone to use a UK SIM. Perhaps something worth double-checking if you plan to travel o/s. I do prefer the ipad to using the smart phone for anything involving lots of typing.

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