National Family History Month August 2015

National Family History Month August 2015

National Family History Month (NFHM) is an initiative of the Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations (AFFHO). NFHM has been an annual event since August 2006 when it was celebrated during the first week of August. Due to its ever increasing popularity,...
Report on Immigration Seminar Brisbane May 2015

Report on Immigration Seminar Brisbane May 2015

On Sunday I was one of the speakers at a seminar on immigration records organised by the Southern Suburbs Branch of the Genealogical Society of Queensland. Other speakers were Helen Smith, Rosemary Kopittke and Eric Kopittke and I had not heard any of their talks...
ANZAC Day Tribute to Alexander Thomas Davis

ANZAC Day Tribute to Alexander Thomas Davis

As usual I am participating in Kintalk’s Trans Tasman ANZAC Day blog challenge. This year my tribute is to Alexander Thomas Davis my first cousin three times removed who saw service in World War One and died of wounds shortly after arriving back home. Alexander...
Forensic Genealogy with Colleen Fitzpatrick in Brisbane

Forensic Genealogy with Colleen Fitzpatrick in Brisbane

On Saturday I attended the Colleen Fitzpatrick seminar co-hosted by the Queensland Family History Society and the Genealogical Society of Queensland in Brisbane. Colleen gave three talks and there was a morning tea break. The venue was St Joseph’s College, there...
Genealogy Society Seminars – Why You Should Have Them

Genealogy Society Seminars – Why You Should Have Them

At the weekend I traveled to Maryborough (QLD) to give three presentations to the Maryborough Family Heritage Research Institute. I don’t normally report on seminars where I am the only speaker but I think there are some wider lessons here for other genealogy...