Illuminating Blogger Award

Thanks to Geniaus I have received an Illuminating Blogger Award originally started by Foodstories. It was for my blog Diary of an Australian Genealogist and in her nomination Geniaus said – Shauna Hicks lectures, writes, and blogs about genealogy in Australia....

Overview of Unlock the Past Queensland Expo Jun 2012

Regular readers will know that I reported on the Unlock the Past Queensland Expo in Brisbane 25-27 Jun 212 on a daily basis through my Diary of an Australian Genealogist blog. If you missed it, here are links to Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Expo Exhibitors reports. In this...

Leslie Gordon Price – A Rat of Tobruk

Today is ANZAC Day and I foreshadowed back in February during the Bombing of Darwin 70th anniversary tour that my ANZAC Day blog this year would be dedicated to my Uncle Gordon, my mother’s eldest brother. During the bombing of Darwin tour, I met historian Brad...

Overview of AFFHO 2012 heraldry & genealogy congress

Regular readers will know that I like to do a daily blog of genealogy events so that I capture things as I go and then do an overall summary at the end when I have had more time to think about how it all went. For my daily accounts of the 2012 AFFHO Congress in...

My Reader Geneameme in 2012 National Year of Reading

My contribution is very late as I was away when Geniaus first threw down the gauntlet of another geneameme and totally missed it. Geniaus commented that this  one hasn’t been as popular as previous ones and I suspect it is because it is not as genealogy oriented...

Darwin Family History Seminar

While up in Darwin for the War Comes to Australia tour, I also took part in the Unlock the Past genealogy seminar in conjunction with the Northern Territory Library and the Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory. It was a full day with Rosemary Kopittke and I...