The Tech Savvy Genealogists’ Meme

Another Geniaus challenge – interestingly it captures all of the issues I have been looking at over the last few months ie new phone, tablet, netbook, scanner etc – parts of me want to be tech savvy but other parts of me want to go back to my Grade one...

My 99 Things Genealogy Meme – Australian Style

My 99 Things Genealogy Meme – Australian This genealogy challenge was issued by Geniaus and the list should be annotated as follows: Things you have already done or found – bold type Things you would like to do or find – italics (colour optional) Things...

Writing Family History

Back in May I was both a speaker and an attendee at the Unlock the Past Researching and Writing History seminar in Adelaide. I wrote a review of it and said that I would write more about my own session. After months of travelling around I am finally getting around to...

Family History Feast 2011 review

This year’s Family History Feast was better than ever for a number of reasons. The day is organised by State Library Victoria (SLV), Public Record Office Victoria (PROV), National Archives of Australia (NAA), Victoria Office and BDMs Victoria and is a free event...