My 2011 Genealogy Aspirations

It has taken me a little while to finally decide on what I want to focus on in 2011. My review of my 2010 aspirations made me realise I was really trying to  do too much in too many areas. The five key areas I have decided on are: 1. Write up my mother’s Price...

My 2010 Genealogy Aspirations Review

On 28 December 2009 I posted my New Year Genie Aspirations for 2010 and on 9 July 2010 I did a mid year review of those resolutions where I found that I was not keeping up with my ambitions for the year. After July my year was even busier so it is interesting to...

Reading For Genealogy – Archives Annual Reports

This is a continuation of my last blog What Are You Reading For Genealogy? Government publications might seem a strange choice and some might think my working in government for 35 years has coloured my choice of reading material, especially for genealogy. But I hope...

What Are You Reading For Genealogy?

On the recent Unlock The Past history and genealogy roadshow, I gave a presentation on Where Else Can I Look, It’s Not All On The Internet which looked at a range of ideas. The handout for that talk, and the others I gave, is on the Resources page of my website...