Using Police Gazettes

In some ways this is a continuation of last week’s entry in that it relates to my talk on Convicts & Criminals this Saturday at the Mulwala Family History Expo. I had finished my presentation and was doing a final run through to see that it worked and...

Using Online Newspapers: the good and the bad

I have been working on a talk Convicts & Criminals for the Mulwala Family History expo on 21 November and part of the talk is about the advantages of having Australian Newspapers online. The really exciting bit is that I have found new information on one of my...

Mining and Criminal Records in Queensland

In 1992 I successfully completed the Diploma in Historical Studies at the Society of Australian Genealogists. It was the end of an annus horribilus year, my son turned five, my then husband had major cancer surgery followed by chemotherapy, I was working full time at...

Radio interview in Mount Gambier, South Australia

On Monday 2 Nov 2009 I was interviewed by Stan Thomson during his Mornings program on ABC SE South Australia on my visit to Mount Gambier and my talk to the Mount Gambier History Group on Discovering Military Ancestors Online . I was a bit surprised to find that Stan...

Mining Ancestors

In an earlier blog, This Week in History, I mentioned how the Gympie gold rush led to my Victorian families moving up to Queensland. I have a wide interest in mining with various ancestors involved in tin, copper, gold and coal mining in all states of Australia except...

This Week In History

It is interesting to reflect on events that may have impacted on our ancestors lives. On 12 Oct 1838 the first Lutherans arrived in South Australia, led by Augustus Kavel having left Prussia because of religious repression. On 13 Oct 1933 the first traffic lights...