The cruise was on the very new Celebrity Edge and the ship was amazing with 16 decks to explore. I managed to walk at least 5000 steps every day just getting to the talks and dining areas which were at opposite ends of the ship. We cruised around Southern Australia and through Bass Strait.

The two keynote speakers were Mia Bennett with a DNA theme and Chris Paton with a Scots and Irish theme. Other speakers included Hilary Blanford from England, Maggie Gaffney and Michelle Patient from New Zealand, Rosemary and Eric Kopittke, Helen Smith and me from Australia. All the sessions were well attended and lots to talk about over dinner.
The first day was all aboard, unpack, meet up for dinner and the evening session was an introduction to the speakers. All speakers provided a handout for their sessions.
Day 2 was at sea and a full day of talks. Chris started the day with Scottish ancestors, followed by Helen with using timelines. Mia started us on our DNA matches journey, Hilary introduced us to the convict Allender family, Michelle helped to date our photographs, and I spoke about Australian genealogy records online. After dinner Chris talked about British and Irish newspapers.
Day 3 was in Hobart, and we went to the Army Museum. After dinner, Chris spoke about Irish land records.
Day 4 was at sea and another full day of talks. Mia started us off with a DNA session, followed by Chris with the Irish in British records, Helen had us visualising our family history, Chris talked about Scottish census records, Maggie spoke about Victorian England school records, Chris again with Scottish resources before 1800 and after dinner, Mia spoke about English probate records.
This was one of two days with a concurrent session. Other choices were Rosemary with beginning family history, Eric with German records, Rosemary again with school records, Helen with family history in Australia and Michelle with Europeans in early New Zealand.
Day 5 was Kangaroo Island, and we went on a bus trip to Seal Bay, a natural habitat for different types of seals. Even saw a mother and baby swim into the beach. We had to take the ship’s tenders into Kangaroo Island, and they were a much more flash tender than we have had on other ships. After dinner Chris spoke on sharing your family history online.

Celebrity Edge tender on way to Kangaroo Island Dec 2024
Day 6 was in Adelaide and the evening talk was Michelle talking about the television series she has worked on. I had an easy day catching up with my emails and reading, not to mention exploring the ship. Even watched the movie in the outdoor theatre on the 16th deck.
Day 7 was at sea and another day of concurrent sessions. Chris talked about Ireland’s vital records, I spoke on researching techniques for when you can’t find something, Maggie spoke on property records in England from Domesday on, Chris on Scottish Kirk records, Helen on government inquiries for family history, and Mia on WATO (what are the odds) DNA talk. After dinner we had Chris with Irish family history online.
The concurrent session included Eric with where your ancestors came from, Helen talking about how useful DNA is, Michelle talked about how wonderful finding cousins was, Rosemary outlined what you can do online, Eric spoke about using signatures to identify family and Hilary on what our ancestors really got up to.
Day 8 was Melbourne, and we did a bus trip to the Dandenongs, a place we had not been to despite living in Victoria for 9 years. Scones, jam and cream at Olinda were yum and I picked up a nice little Aussie present for my Swedish grandson. In the evening, we had Mia talking about one of her famous ancestors.
Day 9 the last day at sea and another full day session. Helen started with Kent workhouse records, I followed with Australian and New Zealand probate records, Michelle spoke about newspapers, Chris on Scottish marriage records, Maggie with more newspapers, Mia with DNA clustering and after dinner Chris spoke about all the different types of work for professional genealogists.
Then there was the prize draw and the photo session with speakers. Some of the more resilient attendees went upstairs for farewell drinks while some of us went to bed totally exhausted.

Day 10 was a quick breakfast in the Ocean View Café and saying goodbye to those we met on the way. Then when our number was called it was off the ship to collect our bags and head to the airport.
I’m not sure it was a holiday as it was so full on. Plus, my ‘to do’ list from all the sessions is bigger than the ship. It was an excellent program and Alan and Anthea Phillips are to be congratulated on its success. Helen, Eric and Rosemary also helped with the set up for each day’s talks. Well done everyone.
Postscript – several people seem to have come down with covid. So far Max and I are covid negative and I think we are passed the infectious stage thankfully.
Thanks, Shauna, for your summary of the UTP Genealogy cruise. It brings back good memories. Glad that Alan was able to start the cruising back up after Covid.
Hi Louis great to hear from you. It was the last one which was sad as I have so many great memories of the different cruises and speakers.