RootsTech Connect 2022: My experience

RootsTech Connect 2022: My experience

Well RootsTech is all over again for another year. My only disappointment was that it was not in person. I have been promising myself this trip for the last few years but something has always prevented me from attending. Maybe 2023 will be the year. While virtual, it...
Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2021

Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2021

Here is my contribution to the annual Accentuate the Positive Geneameme Jill Ball (aka Geniaus) invites you to take part in Accentuate the Positive by responding to the following statements/questions, several of which are new, in a blog post. Write as much or as...
Trove Tuesday: the Hazards of Being female

Trove Tuesday: the Hazards of Being female

At the weekend while searching the British Newspaper Archive, I was shocked to discover that my 5X great grandmother Mary Hitchman, aged and infirm, died when she fell into the fireplace in 1809 in Oxfordshire, England. She was horrifically burned as it was some time...
Tossing out the family history binders

Tossing out the family history binders

Yes! I am finally doing it. It’s a little scary but I know it is the right thing for me. Ever since my shock cancer diagnosis in August 2019, I have been weeding and downsizing my family history records that reflect 44 years of research. A truly daunting task with a...