Sydney Genealogy Congress 2018 Day Two Report

Sydney Genealogy Congress 2018 Day Two Report

If you missed Day One, read about it here. Day Two started with a sponsor presentation with Ancestry. Without the sponsors, it would be very hard for any group to put on an event like Congress so thanks to all sponsors, especially the major sponsors. Ancestry have...
Sydney Genealogy Congress 2018 Day One report

Sydney Genealogy Congress 2018 Day One report

Congress was held at the International Convention Centre, Darling Harbour in Sydney over 4 days from 9 March to 12 March 2018. There were numerous plenary sessions, and a choice between 4 talks at other times and even a couple of sponsor presentations. The exhibitors...
Discovering Worcestershire Archives

Discovering Worcestershire Archives

I was unexpectedly asked to review this new eguide Explore History Landscapes Family published by Worcestershire County Council. It is 73 pages on researching at the Worcester Archive and Archaeology Service and available to download for £6.  The Archive offers fee...
Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2017

Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2017

For the 6th consecutive year Jill Ball is asking bloggers to contribute to this  challenge. As a regular participant it is an interesting exercise as I usually find that I have done more than I think during the year. Anyone can take part  by responding to the...