by shaunahicks | Sep 12, 2016 | Blog
Whenever possible I try to attend the annual NSW & ACT Family History Organisations annual conference. This year it was in Camden New South Wales and I flew to Canberra and then hitched a lift with a long time geneafriend who was also going. So a long day of...
by shaunahicks | Oct 5, 2015 | Blog
Why is it that genealogy conferences always seem to go so quickly? Must be because we are all so busy earning new things and catching up with old friends and making new ones. It was History Queensland’s first conference and extremely well organised with a good...
by shaunahicks | Sep 17, 2015 | Blog
Although my right elbow/arm is still out of action from my July fall in Germany, I still managed to get to the 31st annual genealogy conference of the NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies held in Port Macquarie last weekend. It was one of the best...
by shaunahicks | Apr 2, 2015 | Blog
This is the third and final report on AFFHO Congress 2015. Post One on the first two days is here and Post Two on the last two days is here. In this post I will be looking at the two social events and all the sponsors/exhibitors as these are also a key part of any...
by shaunahicks | Apr 1, 2015 | Blog
This is the second part of a three post report on AFFHO Congress 2015 held in Canberra from 26-30 March 2015. Part One is here and an interim report posted during Congress is here. Day Three started with a keynote address by Michael McKernan on war on the home front....