Looking at the Irish & Immigration with GSQ

I’m back home after attending the Genealogical Society of Queensland’s annual seminar in Brisbane. This year the theme was Irish in the morning and Immigration in the afternoon. It was the first genealogy seminar I’ve been to since February (which is...

World War One & the brothers Finn

As usual I am participating in Kintalk’s (Auckland City Libraries) annual Trans Tasman ANZAC day blog challenge. This year I am featuring my father’s three great uncles Robert, John and Denis Patrick Finn who enlisted in World War One. Although all three...

Third Unlock the Past genealogy cruise review

This will be an overview of the whole cruise as I’ve already given detailed account of the genealogy sessions in my Diary of an Australian Genealogist blog – check out Days 1-5 and Days 6-9. As this was my fifth cruise and third genealogy cruise I’m...

Blog of the Year Award

I am honoured to have been nominated for Blog of the Year Award 2012 from Geniaus for my My Diary of an Australian Genealogist blog.  Jill wrote that she read the Diary for the ‘news, views and a slice of life’ which is a nice way of saying that sometimes...

Accentuate the Positive 2012 Geneameme

Good geneafriend Geniaus has thrown down another geneameme challenge to get us all thinking right at the start of 2013. As usual I can’t resist so here are my responses to her Accentuate the Positive 2012 geneameme. All contributions will be collated so if you...