Researching & Writing History

I attended the Unlock the Past Researching & Writing History Seminar in Adelaide on 13-14 May 2011. I’m starting to wonder if I attend too many genealogy seminars – why? At this seminar I caught up with people I met at the Genealogical Society of...

Charles Douglas Spencer – Military Medal for Bravery

Charles Douglas Spencer This ANZAC day I want to commemorate Charles Douglas Spencer, and other Spencer family members who have all been involved in the defence services for over four generations. Charles Douglas Spencer (SX 428), or Doug as he was more commonly...

52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History Week 15 Sports

I’m participating in the 52 weeks of personal genealogy and history challenge. I’ve missed a few weeks in this series due to my overseas genealogy cruise and catching some dreaded virus on my return to Melbourne from the tropical north. This week’s topic...

Unlock The Past’s Brisbane seminar

It was a bit strange turning up for an afternoon of genealogy talks only a few days after the Unlock the Past history and genealogy cruise. There were quite a few friendly faces from the cruise and perhaps over a 100 other attendees. It was a free half day seminar...